Still Life, with Ceramic Camera Sculptures by artist Jane Mckenzie, Glass Sphere, and Sleeping Thinker Figurine52.5 x 52.5cm$1,900
Still Life, with Shadow puppets, Australian Grasses, Glass Jar, Scissors, Medium, Paint, Paint squeezer, Gingko leaves67.5 x 57.5cm
Still life, with Silver Sphere, Mirror, Thinker Figurine, and Level.52.5 x 52.5cm
Still Life, with Spectacles, Hyper-Dimensional cube, Sketchy Spinning top and Camera- Phone sculpture by artist Ceri Hann62.5 x 62.5cm
Stone 143 x 33cm$850
Stone 243 x 33cm$850
Stone 343 x 33cm$850
Stone 443 x 33cm$850
Striped Cup and Milk42 x 42 cm$890
Surprise43 x 43$1,200
Sweet Nectarine125x104$3,700
Taking Space30 x 25 cm$1,400
Tending to the Garden61 x 45 cm$1,500
The Birth Place Of Stars We Just Might See103 x 103 cm$4,200
The Old Coach House71 x 71$1,680
The Opening Of My Heart93 x 93$3,650
THE PROMISE120 x 120cm$4,950
Three clear glasses on blue62 x 92 cm$2,800
To be a King92 x 76 cm$2,400
Tomatoes in the Kitchen53.5 x 53.5 cm$1,900